Stockton Beach Amenity Project

Maintenance dredging & Coastal Protection

Stockton Beach is of high intrinsic value to the Stockton and Newcastle community, and visitors, who have a strong desire to preserve and protect its natural environment and character. The Stockton CMP was developed in partnership with the local community and is the culmination of more than a decade of community engagement to ensure that the management actions proposed in the CMP to restore beach amenity and protect coastal assets, meet community expectations.

Mass sand nourishment has been identified as the most technically feasible solution that sustainably meets CN’s and the community’s objectives of asset protection and beach amenity over the long term. Mass nourishment, with sand renourishment provide adequate coastal protection to eliminate the need for coastal protection structures beyond the immediate term. The nourishment volume required to achieve coastal protection objectives was estimated to be 2.4 million m3 of sand. Mass nourishment will take time to implement. Amenity nourishment(s), or smaller quantities of sand intended to provide a measure of beach amenity, are likely to be undertaken as an interim measure while mass nourishment is planned, approved and implemented.

The contract for the Stockton Coastal Protection Project was awarded to RN Dredging Pty Ltd on 9 August 2023 and the works started on 14 October 2023. The Project was completed as one continuous nourishment campaign with the date of completion on 4 November 2023.

The Works include dredging the Entrance Channel for the Port of Newcastle and the placement of dredged material as sand nourishment at Stockton Beach, Newcastle.

Specifically, the work included:

  • Dredging of suitable sand nourishment material from the Entrance Channel – the sand suitability for beach placement was assessed against criteria percentage of silt content.
  • Placement of sand nourishment material onto Stockton Beach – material was placed into discrete shallow areas using rainbowing and bottom dumping techniques. Placing the material into pre-arranged discrete areas meant that Stockton Beach could remain open to the public for the duration of the Work with no safety incidents with beach users or the boating community.
  • Management of the dredging and sand nourishment works in accordance with the Review of Environmental Factors for both dredging and placing, the Project Environmental Management Plan – Sand placements for the nourishment of Stockton Beach and all relevant government approval requirements.
  • Location: Stockton Beach, New South Wales (AUS)
  • Scope: 130,000 m3
  • Client: NSW Government
  • Year: 2023

The fleet that made it possible

  • Trud R
Hopper capacity
Length overall
Draught loaded
Draught unloaded
Dredging depth

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