Hopper Barges
Unloading within minutes
The Rohde Nielsen hopper barges can be used in a wide range of projects and provide a continued and effective service to any stationary dredger.
Most of the vessels are purpose-built to transport sand, silt and even clay. With our self-propelled, split hopper barges, material can be unloaded within minutes and polluted material is handled respectfully in sealed tank barges.
Hopper Barges
- Gere R/ Freke R
- Baugi R/ Bjarke R
- Roar R/ Helge R
- Hugin R/ Munin R
- Fenja R/ Menja R
- Hopper capacity
- 1,517m3
- Length overall
- 68.40m
- Breadth
- 14.00m
- Draught loaded
- 4.27m
- Draught unloaded
- 2.90m
- Type
- Split barge
- Hopper capacity
- 1,239m3
- Length overall
- 48.90m
- Breadth
- 14.00m
- Draught loaded
- 4.30m
- Draught unloaded
- 1.10m
- Type
- Split barge
- Hopper capacity
- 950m3
- Length overall
- 60.30m
- Breadth
- 11.00m
- Draught loaded
- 3.56m
- Draught unloaded
- 1.35m
- Type
- Split barge
- Hopper capacity
- 778m3
- Length overall
- 59.06m
- Breadth
- 9.50m
- Draught loaded
- 2.90m
- Draught unloaded
- 1.80m
- Type
- Split barge
- Hopper capacity
- 405m3
- Length overall
- 40.00m
- Breadth
- 8.60m
- Draught loaded
- 3.00m
- Draught unloaded
- 1.00m
- Type
- Hopper Barge
Featured projects
Cockburn Sand Supply
Explore Project
Supplying of shell sand, dredged from a specific area, offshore at Owen Anchorage, West Australia….
- Location:
- Owen Anchorage, Western Australia
- Scope:
- 1,500,000 m³ annually
- Client:
- Cockburn Cement Ltd.
- Year:
- 2018-2030
Storstrøm Bridge
Explore Project
Dredging of temporary work channels and other various tasks…
- Location:
- Zealand, Denmark
- Scope:
- 923,000 m3
- Client:
- Storstroem Bridge Joint Venture I/S
- Year:
- 2019-2023
Explore Project
To fortify the beach against winter storms from the Baltic Sea….
- Location:
- Kolobrzeg (POL)
- Scope:
- 180,000 m3
- Client:
- Maritime Authority of Szczecin
- Year:
- 2023
Blåvand Coastal Protection
Explore Project
The project consisted of 5.4km of beach nourishment along Blåvand beach…
- Location:
- Danish West Coast (DEN)
- Scope:
- 275,000 m3
- Client:
- Danish Coastal Authority
- Year:
- 2022-2023
Island of Sylt 2023
Explore Project
To protect the beaches and coastline of the west coast…
- Location:
- Sylt (GER)
- Scope:
- 1,111,111 m3
- Client:
- Landesbetrieb für Küstenschutz, Nationalpark und Meeresschutz (LKN)
- Year:
- 2023
Stockton Beach Amenity Project
Explore Project
To preserve and protect the beach natural environment and character….
- Location:
- Stockton Beach, New South Wales (AUS)
- Scope:
- 130,000 m3
- Client:
- NSW Government
- Year:
- 2023
Lillebælt Old Bridge
Explore Project
Installation of 2,100 tons of rock intended for erosion protection…
- Location:
- Lillebælt (DEN)
- Scope:
- 2,100 ton of rocks
- Client:
- BaneDanmark Infrastruktur
- Year:
- 2023
Courseulles offshore wind farms
Explore Project
Installation of 82 pcs of rock beds approx. 13×18 m. at 24 locations…
- Location:
- Courseulles (FRA)
- Scope:
- 62,000 ton of rocks
- Client:
- Saipem S.A.
- Year:
- 2023
Ostsee Anbindungs-Leitung Project
Explore Project
Construction of an offshore 48” diameter pipeline…
- Location:
- Baltic Sea (GER)
- Scope:
- 2,000,000m3
- Client:
- Gascade Gastransport GmbH
- Year:
- 2023-2024
Vesterhav offshore wind farms
Explore Project
Installation of protective layer of amour rock on the foundations for the offshore wind farms. …
- Location:
- Vesterhav (DEN)
- Scope:
- 69,000 ton of rocks
- Client:
- Asso Subsea Limited
- Year:
- 2023
Seabed Boulder Removal
Explore Project
Preparation for the arrival of a jackup vessel to repair a wind turbine generator…
- Location:
- Wikinger OWF (GER)
- Scope:
- 22 pcs
- Client:
- Siemens Gamesa
- Year:
- 2023
Explore Project
Maintenance dredging within the Port of Bunbury….
- Location:
- Bunbury, Australia
- Scope:
- 200,000 m³ annually
- Client:
- Southern Ports Authority
- Year:
- 2018-2023
NKT – Noss Head, Scotland
Explore Project
Secure a new power cable by installing a rock berm on top of the cable. …
- Location:
- Near Noss Head, Scotland (GBR)
- Scope:
- 22,000 tons of rock
- Client:
- Year:
- 2022
Baltic Pipe
Explore Project
Strengthening the European internal energy market….
- Location:
- Denmark and Poland
- Scope:
- 1,000,000 m3, 1,000 stones
- Client:
- Saipem Ltd
- Year:
- 2021-2022
Explore Project
Dredging a 6 km long trench, at water depths differing from -3m to -30m….
- Location:
- Hanö, Sweden
- Scope:
- 3 x 6 km pipes and 6 km cable
- Client:
- NCC Sweden AB
- Year:
- 2022
Explore Project
The quantity reclaimed was 200,000 m3 through a sinker line…
- Location:
- Föhr, Germany
- Scope:
- 200,000 m3
- Client:
- Landesbetrieb für Küstenschutz
- Year:
- 2022
Borsele Offshore Wind Farm
Explore Project
Dredging of upper siltated sand, expansion of rock bed area and installation of additional rock…
- Location:
- Esbjerg, Denmark
- Scope:
- 25,000 dredged, 40,000 rock installed
- Client:
- Siemens Gamesa
- Year:
- 2019-2020
Colombo South
Explore Project
800,000 m3 of sand distributed on the beaches Kalutara, Angulana and Mt. Lavinia…
- Location:
- Kalutara, Angulana, Mt. Lavinia, Sri Lanka
- Scope:
- 800,000 m3
- Client:
- Coast Conservation Mgmt. Dept.
- Year:
- 2020
Séte Frontignan
Explore Project
Beach nourishment project to contain erosion and limit the risk of inundations….
- Location:
- Montpellier, France
- Scope:
- 180,000 m3
- Client:
- Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée
- Year:
- 2019-2020
Explore Project
Sand mining & pumping for reclamation, and stock piling…
- Location:
- Kerawalapitiya, Sri Lanka
- Scope:
- 3,450,000 m3
- Client:
- Sri Lanka Land Reclamation & Dev. Corp.
- Year:
- 2018-2020
Horns Rev 3
Explore Project
Various remediation campaigns at a wind turbine in Horns Rev 3…
- Location:
- Esbjerg, Denmark
- Scope:
- 110,000 m3, 7,000t Rock
- Client:
- Vattenfall Vindkraft Horns Rev 3 P/S
- Year:
- 2019-2020
Tolmount Pipeline
Explore Project
Clearance of a total of 3,000 boulders has been cleared from the pipeline route…
- Location:
- Tolmount, United Kingdom
- Scope:
- 3,000 Boulders, 50,000 m3 Clay
- Client:
- Saipem Ltd
- Year:
- 2019-2020
Explore Project
Capital Dredging and securing slope of the Quay number 7….
- Location:
- Paldiski, Estonia
- Scope:
- 600,000 m3
- Client:
- Ports of Tallinn
- Year:
- 2019-2020
Explore Project
About 30,000 m3 of moraine soil needs to be removed and dumped in offshore dumping grounds….
- Location:
- Klaipeda, Lithuania
- Scope:
- 70,000 m3
- Client:
- Klaipeda State Seaport Authority/BMGS
- Year:
- 2020
Sao Luis
Explore Project
Maintenance dredging at Pier 1; Pier 3 North and South; Pier 4 North and South…
- Location:
- São Luís, Brazil
- Scope:
- 5,037,152 m3
- Client:
- Vale SA
- Year:
- 2015-2020
Explore Project
A long time charter contract for continuous maintenance dredging in entrance channel…
- Location:
- Berbice river, Republic of Guyana
- Scope:
- 160,000,000 m3
- Client:
- Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc. (BCGI)
- Year:
- 2011- 2020
Hanstholm Port
Explore Project
Expansion of Hanstholm Harbor, in addition to further deepening of the existing fairway…
- Location:
- Hanstholm, Denmark
- Scope:
- 280,000 m3 hard lime, 740,000 m3 sand
- Client:
- Per Aarsleff A/S
- Year:
- 2018-2020
Explore Project
Deepening and widening of the harbor and entrance channel located at the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park…
- Location:
- Cairns, Australia
- Scope:
- 750,000 m3
- Client:
- Ports North
- Year:
- 2019
Esbjerg Port Rock Bed Construction
Explore Project
Cleaning existing rock beds of 24,000m3 of sand…
- Location:
- Esbjerg, Denmark
- Scope:
- 33,600 m3
- Client:
- Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
- Year:
- 2019
KDI, Danish West Coast
Explore Project
A long-term Beach Nourishment contract at the Danish West Coast …
- Location:
- West Coast of Jutland, Denmark
- Scope:
- Between 950,011 m3 and 3,470,335 m3
- Client:
- Danish Coastal Authority
- Year:
- 2012-2019
Caparica Beaches
Explore Project
Dredging 1,000,000m3 of sand available in the access channel to the port of Lisbon…
- Location:
- Almada – Caparica, Portugal
- Scope:
- 1,000,000 m3
- Client:
- APL-Administracão do Porto APA
- Year:
- 2019
Cluster West Adlergrund
Explore Project
Installation of 4 export cables totaling 300 km in length from offshore wind farms…
- Location:
- Lubmin, Germany
- Scope:
- 330,000 m3
- Client:
- Prysmian & 50 Hertz
- Year:
- 2017-2019
Cobra Cable
Explore Project
Trench dredging and backfilling works…
- Location:
- Eemshaven, Netherland
- Scope:
- 4,656,000 m3 or 2,600,000 m3 in 5 sections
- Client:
- Prysmian Power Link, TenneT and Energinet
- Year:
- 2018-2019
Rønne Port
Explore Project
Increasing navigation depth and facilitating quality fill…
- Location:
- Rønne Port, Denmark
- Scope:
- 900,000 m3
- Client:
- Per Aarsleff A/S
- Year:
- 2018-2019
Vordingborg Port
Explore Project
Deepening of the shipping channel to 10.4 meters and a width of 70 meters…
- Location:
- Vordingborg, Denmark
- Scope:
- 1,800,000 m3 sand, 1,610,000 of boulder clay
- Client:
- Munck Havne og Anlæg A/S
- Year:
- 2018-2019
Offshore Thyborøn
Explore Project
installation of 2,500 GSCs (geotextile sand containers) for offshore wind turbines….
- Location:
- Nissum Bredning
- Scope:
- 2,500 GSCs
- Client:
- Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
- Year:
- 2018
Frederikshavn Port
Explore Project
Increasing navigation depth and facilitating quality fill…
- Location:
- Frederikshavn, Denmark
- Scope:
- 3,220,000 m3
- Client:
- Port of Frederikshavn
- Year:
- 2016-2018
Anchorsholme Outfall
Explore Project
Pre-Pipelay trench dredging works required for the 3.75km Outfall pipe….
- Location:
- Anchorsholme, United Kingdom
- Scope:
- 350,000 m3
- Client:
- J Murphy & Sons Ltd
- Year:
- 2017
Nissum Bredning
Explore Project
Floatation channels for offshore installation barges…
- Location:
- Nissum Bredning
- Scope:
- 220,000 m3
- Client:
- Per Aarsleff A/S
- Year:
- 2017
Dutch Coast
Explore Project
Beach and foreshore nourishment on the Dutch coast…
- Location:
- Dutch Coastline, The Netherlands
- Scope:
- 10,377,900 m3
- Client:
- Rijkswaterstaat PPO
- Year:
- 2013-2017
Gold Coast Beaches
Explore Project
Dredging, Rainbowing and Bottom-dumping on the Gold Coast…
- Location:
- Gold Coast, Australia
- Scope:
- 3,000,000 m3
- Client:
- Council of the City of Gold Coast
- Year:
- 2017
Explore Project
Offshore sand mining and beach nourishment…
- Location:
- Marawila, Sri Lanka
- Scope:
- 800,000 m3
- Client:
- Coast Conservation Mgmt. Dept.
- Year:
- 2016-2017
Esbjerg Port
Explore Project
1,100,000 cubic meters of sand were dredged to reclaim the land areas behind the quays…
- Location:
- Esbjerg, Denmark
- Scope:
- 1,100,000 m3
- Client:
- Esbjerg Port
- Year:
- 2016-2017
NorNed Lowering & Remidial Burial
Explore Project
NorNed Lowering and Remedial Burial using Mass Flow Excavation…
- Location:
- The Netherlands
- Scope:
- 17 km
- Client:
- TenneT TSO B.V.
- Year:
- 2016
New Fairway Vordingborg
Explore Project
Design, planning and construction of the new fairway to Vordingborg…
- Location:
- Vordingborg, Denmark
- Scope:
- 220,000 m3, including design and construction
- Client:
- Banedanmark
- Year:
- 2016
Explore Project
Deepening and widening the entrance channel and port of Tauranga…
- Location:
- Tauranga, New Zealand
- Scope:
- 5,300,000 m3
- Client:
- Port of Tauranga Limited
- Year:
- 2015-2016
Explore Project
Maintenance dredging in Devonport, Tasmania…
- Location:
- Tasmania, Australia
- Scope:
- 260,000 m3
- Client:
- Tasmanian Ports Corporation Pty Ltd
- Year:
- 2015
York Development Pipeline
Explore Project
Trench dredging, pre-sweep and backfilling at the East Yorkshire Coast…
- Location:
- East Yorkshire Coast (UK)
- Scope:
- 7 km of trench
- Client:
- Saipem Ltd
- Year:
- 2012
Talk to us about your next project
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