Vesterhav offshore wind farms
Rock installation
Rohde Nielsen was contracted to install the protective layer of armour rock on the 41 foundations for the Vesterhav North and Vesterhav South offshore wind farms.
The rock was produced at a quarry in Norway. The total amount of rocks produced was approximately 69,000 tonnes. All produced rocks were shipped from Norway to Thyborøn Port, Denmark. All shipping took place in the period from December 2022 to May 2023; in total, 17 shiploads of rocks were shipped. All 69,244 tonnes of rocks needed for the project were stockpiled in Thyborøn and ready for installation, all before the armour layer installation campaign started.
Before loading the rocks, a stevedoring company in the port made a pile of approximately 4,000 tonnes of rocks along the quayside, within reach of the Grane R crane. This was continued throughout the project; every time Grane R left Thyborøn port, a new stockpile of 4,000 tonnes was prepared.
Grane R then loaded herself with her crane and transited to the offshore installation site to install the rock according to the given positions and design. Before installation commenced, an in-survey was done. The installation was done with a fall pipe and wire crane; during the installation, frequent surveys were conducted to monitor the status of the installation. When the final design was achieved, an out-survey was done. All out-surveys were immediately forwarded to the client for final approval.
- Location: Vesterhav (DEN)
- Scope: 69,000 ton of rocks
- Client: Asso Subsea Limited
- Year: 2023
The fleet that made it possible
- Grane R
- Hopper capacity
- 4,900t
- Length overall
- 93.00m
- Breadth
- 22.20m
- Draught loaded
- 6.50m
- Draught unloaded
- 5.40m
- Dredging/Installation depth
- up to 100.00m
Other projects
Vesterhav offshore wind farms
Explore Project
Installation of protective layer of amour rock on the foundations for the offshore wind farms. …
- Location:
- Vesterhav (DEN)
- Scope:
- 69,000 ton of rocks
- Client:
- Asso Subsea Limited
- Year:
- 2023
Ostsee Anbindungs-Leitung Project
Explore Project
Construction of an offshore 48” diameter pipeline…
- Location:
- Baltic Sea (GER)
- Scope:
- 2,000,000m3
- Client:
- Gascade Gastransport GmbH
- Year:
- 2023-2024
Lillebælt Old Bridge
Explore Project
Installation of 2,100 tons of rock intended for erosion protection…
- Location:
- Lillebælt (DEN)
- Scope:
- 2,100 ton of rocks
- Client:
- BaneDanmark Infrastruktur
- Year:
- 2023
Explore Project
Dredging a 6 km long trench, at water depths differing from -3m to -30m….
- Location:
- Hanö, Sweden
- Scope:
- 3 x 6 km pipes and 6 km cable
- Client:
- NCC Sweden AB
- Year:
- 2022
Baltic Pipe
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Strengthening the European internal energy market….
- Location:
- Denmark and Poland
- Scope:
- 1,000,000 m3, 1,000 stones
- Client:
- Saipem Ltd
- Year:
- 2021-2022
NKT – Noss Head, Scotland
Explore Project
Secure a new power cable by installing a rock berm on top of the cable. …
- Location:
- Near Noss Head, Scotland (GBR)
- Scope:
- 22,000 tons of rock
- Client:
- Year:
- 2022
Tolmount Pipeline
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Clearance of a total of 3,000 boulders has been cleared from the pipeline route…
- Location:
- Tolmount, United Kingdom
- Scope:
- 3,000 Boulders, 50,000 m3 Clay
- Client:
- Saipem Ltd
- Year:
- 2019-2020
Horns Rev 3
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- Location:
- Esbjerg, Denmark
- Scope:
- 110,000 m3, 7,000t Rock
- Client:
- Vattenfall Vindkraft Horns Rev 3 P/S
- Year:
- 2019-2020
Borsele Offshore Wind Farm
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Dredging of upper siltated sand, expansion of rock bed area and installation of additional rock…
- Location:
- Esbjerg, Denmark
- Scope:
- 25,000 dredged, 40,000 rock installed
- Client:
- Siemens Gamesa
- Year:
- 2019-2020
Cobra Cable
Explore Project
Trench dredging and backfilling works…
- Location:
- Eemshaven, Netherland
- Scope:
- 4,656,000 m3 or 2,600,000 m3 in 5 sections
- Client:
- Prysmian Power Link, TenneT and Energinet
- Year:
- 2018-2019
Cluster West Adlergrund
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Installation of 4 export cables totaling 300 km in length from offshore wind farms…
- Location:
- Lubmin, Germany
- Scope:
- 330,000 m3
- Client:
- Prysmian & 50 Hertz
- Year:
- 2017-2019
Offshore Thyborøn
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installation of 2,500 GSCs (geotextile sand containers) for offshore wind turbines….
- Location:
- Nissum Bredning
- Scope:
- 2,500 GSCs
- Client:
- Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
- Year:
- 2018
Anchorsholme Outfall
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Pre-Pipelay trench dredging works required for the 3.75km Outfall pipe….
- Location:
- Anchorsholme, United Kingdom
- Scope:
- 350,000 m3
- Client:
- J Murphy & Sons Ltd
- Year:
- 2017
Nissum Bredning
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Floatation channels for offshore installation barges…
- Location:
- Nissum Bredning
- Scope:
- 220,000 m3
- Client:
- Per Aarsleff A/S
- Year:
- 2017
NorNed Lowering & Remidial Burial
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- Location:
- The Netherlands
- Scope:
- 17 km
- Client:
- TenneT TSO B.V.
- Year:
- 2016
York Development Pipeline
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- Location:
- East Yorkshire Coast (UK)
- Scope:
- 7 km of trench
- Client:
- Saipem Ltd
- Year:
- 2012
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