Vordingborg Port, Capital Dredging

Capital Dredging Vordingborg Harbor Stage 2-3-4

Vordingborg Harbor has since 2015 been working on a large-scale port expansion project. The project is progressing over 4 stages (Rohde Nielsen carried out stage 2-3-4 simultaneously) and includes deepening of the shipping channel to 10.4 meters and a width of 70 meters. In addition the harbor area is expanded from 45,000 m2 to 170,000 m2. The quay length is also increased in this connection from 275 meters to about 1.2 kilometers.

Within the new breakwater, a large turning basin is established at a depth of 10.4 meters. This enables ships of up to 200 meters to berth the port.
To preserve the surrounding marine habitat a special stone garden with pointy rocks was established in order to create an artificial breeding ground for marine mammals and compensate for the stones removed when deepening the shipping channel. From the period 1st of May – 1st of July consideration was taken to the Eelgrass and dredging operations were stopped during this time.

Throughout the whole project special consideration was taken in order to mitigate sedimentation spillage towards the surrounding environment.

  • Location: Vordingborg, Denmark
  • Scope: 1,800,000 m3 – 190,000 m3 sand, 1,610,000 of boulder clay
  • Client: Munck Havne og Anlæg A/S
  • Year: 2018-2019

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