Anchorsholme Outfall, Offshore Services

Anchorsholme Outfall

Rohde Nielsen and J. Murphy & Sons Limited (JMS) carried out a construction project involving a new storm water pumping station and 3.75 km long sea outfall at Anchorsholme, Blackpool, which serves the purpose of taking storm flows far enough out to sea to prevent it affecting bathing water quality of the Fylde Coast. The new facilities replaced an existing pumping station and shorter pipe, located on the sea front at the end of Anchorsholme Lane West.

Rohde Nielsen carried out the Pre-Pipelay trench dredging works required for the 3.75km Outfall pipe. The stratigraphy within the planned pipeline route consisted of various soils with diverse geotechnical specifications.

  • Location: Anchorsholme, United Kingdom
  • Scope: 350,000 m3
  • Client: J Murphy & Sons Limited
  • Year: 2017

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